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Copaíba is a plant native to the Amazon known for its incredible medicinal properties. Its oil is widely used to treat a variety of health conditions naturally and effectively. With its anti-inflammatory, healing, antiseptic, antimicrobial, diuretic, laxative and hypotensive properties, Copaíba offers a wide range of benefits.

For skin problems such as rashes, dermatitis, white cloth and eczema, copaiba can be an effective treatment option. Its active compounds help reduce inflammation, promoting skin healing and relieving symptoms.

In addition, Copaíba is also tolerated in the treatment of stomach ulcers, dandruff and controlled problems such as coughing, excessive vomiting and bronchitis. Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help fight infections and reduce adverse effects.

Other conditions in which copaiba may be useful include colds and flu, flu victims, hemorrhoids, inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis and ringworm. Its diuretic effects help eliminate toxins from the body, while its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

By using natural products from the Amazon, such as Copaíba, you are opting for holistic solutions that work in harmony with the body and the environment. Copaíba is a safe and effective choice for those seeking natural approaches to health and well-being.



Copaiba resin



  • To treat skin problems, a small amount of copaiba oil should be applied to the area to be treated and gently massaged until the resin is completely absorbed. It is recommended that this procedure be done at least 3 times a day to ensure the best results.

    Another option for using copaiba oil for skin and joint problems is by heating a small amount of oil, which, when warm, should be passed over the area to be treated up to twice a day.

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Av. dos Imigrantes, 6756 –

Aponia Neighborhood

Porto Velho/Rondônia – Zip code: 76824-108

CNPJ: 08.621.097/0001-61

I. State 00000016405-7

AFE 2.05781-7 MS

Contact: 69 9 8431-0158

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