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Buriti oil has an intense red color due to the carotenoid substances present in its inheritance process. Furthermore, this oil is highly oxidatively stable, thanks to its rich beta-carotene content, which has a powerful cell renewal capacity. The presence of vitamin A in this oil is also notable, as it plays a fundamental role in combating free radicals responsible for premature aging. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce redness caused by sunlight, as well as maintaining elasticity and preventing dryness of skin exposed to solar radiation. Its benefits also extend to the hair, where it acts as a hair strengthener, helping to keep it healthy and vigorous. It helps prevent stretch marks and prolongs the color used during tanning.

  • Antioxidant
  • Preventing premature aging
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Fighting stretch marks

Buriti Oil



  • Antioxidant; prevents premature aging; improves skin elasticity; reduces redness; stretch mark prevention.


  • 100% Buriti Oil.

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Av. dos Imigrantes, 6756 –

Aponia Neighborhood

Porto Velho/Rondônia – Zip code: 76824-108

CNPJ: 08.621.097/0001-61

I. State 00000016405-7

AFE 2.05781-7 MS

Contact: 69 9 8431-0158

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